Heading to WorldCon

In two days I’ll get on a plane and head to Helsinki for the 75th science fiction and fantasy WorldCon, and I am so looking forward to this. WorldCon takes place Europe this time, which makes it much easier to attend. I miss my family if I’m gone too long, so this six-day trip is a perfect opportunity to go and get an infusion of fandom greatness.

For those of you who don’t know what to find at these conventions, they are a great place to hear new things about genre fiction in almost every form there is: Novels and short stories, comic books, movies long and short, cosplays, workshops, science talks and scholarly lessons, live action role playing, board games, computer games, and readings by new and established authors.

I’ve been to a few such cons, and I always head home with a brain overflowing with ideas, inspiration and fond memories. There are always other writers hanging around too, and you can find no more inspiring people to talk to than writers. (Of course, your carpenter may try to tell you otherwise, but don’t listen.)

For the first time ever, I’m also going to be on two panels, so I’m preparing (over-preparing) for them right now. The first preparatory item has been to print out a sign that has the words DON’T PANIC inscribed in large friendly letters…

The first panel (Wednesday 19:00, room 204) is about Fantastic Literature in the Nordic Countries and how it has recently become more popular in the Nordic countries that are otherwise known for their realistic literature. I’m mostly going to talk about fiction for children and young adults, and I’m really looking forward to hearing what the other panelists have to say on this.

The other panel (Saturday 14:00, room 101d) is called ‘Pullantuoksuinen – Writing While Multilingual’. Since I mostly write in English, I have a thing or two to say about this, especially about how to learn English when you don’t actually live in an English speaking country.

I quite suspect that I’ll update the blog with a con report when I get home, so watch this space.

Last but not least, if you see me there and want to say hi: Please, please, please do so! I love meeting new people at cons.

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