Who did you say you were again?

Yup. That's me.
Yup. That’s me.

Hi, I’m Jakob and I write science fiction, fantasy, humor and serious stuff.

I live in Aarhus, Denmark, with my girlfriend, my children, her children and our cats. English is my language of choice for science fiction and fantasy stories, in part because SF isn’t a big thing in Denmark, but mostly because of the many interesting writers and people involved in the SF web community. So far I’ve sold about forty stories to various webzines and anthologies, and I have several new stories submitted to various magazines.

In Danish, I’ve published two novels in the series Skyggelinsen. I also have three short stories out in the ‘Lige under overfladen’ anthologies.

Is there a common theme to my stories? Not quite. I like to look at life from different viewpoints. One thing I do love is the world we live in, and I think we can take better care of it. We have one billion people or more living for less than a dollar a day. We have species disappearing forever in the largest mass extinction event since the dinosaurs. I guess that’s why the characters in my stories usually have choices to make, because they have to find alternatives to their way of life as well.