Today is the day!
I’m excited, I’m thrilled, I’m ecstatic!
Skyggelinsen 2 – Kampen om kraftfeltet is now out in the world for everyone to read! (The title roughly translates to The Shadowlens – The Fight for the Force Field.)
Martin and his friends once again take on the fight against the cameras in their school. This time they’re facing an opponent, who’ll use surveillance and dark magic to remove anyone standing in its way.

I believe the surveillance theme makes the series more relevant than ever. Like Martin and his friends, we can’t be sure who’s keeping an eye on us, but we do know there are a lot of eyes.
There are at least 1.5 million cameras in Denmark. Or rather, that was the estimate made 2017. Today? Nobody knows. At a guess, we’re well past 2 million cameras in a nation of 6 million inhabitants. This makes Denmark one of the most surveilled countries in the world, only to be outdone by countries like China and cities like London.
We need kids like Martin and his friends!
You can buy the book online from Danish bookseller like Saxo or William Dam.